Epic doesn't even begin to describe this.
Unless you have been living under a rock that shields you from any K-pop news
or have no sense of a life, you already know that Big Bang has
finally come out with their new 4th mini album!
*fangirl squeal*
Anyways, as you guys may or not know, Big Bang was my first
time, and quite possibly most favorite, K-pop group, so I have been pumped for this day for soooo long and am undoubtedly going to be talking about this for at least the next couple of days. I've listened to the whole album, so there will be a My Jam! coming up (maybe even more :D), along with an MV Review for
Tonight, whenever that comes out....*grumbles* *shakes fist at YG for lies*.
Because of the serious lack of visuals *cough*RELEASETHEMVYG*cough* for now I'm just gonna talk about the pure SECKS that Big Bang has become over the course of their hiatus. Seriously. I can't get over it. It's like for the entire nearly 2 years off, they were doing nasty dirty deeds to stylists and hair people to make them look fricking fantastic. FANTASTIC.

So, we're gonna start with my favorite, Seungri. You already know what I'm gonna say but I'm gonna say it anyways. Seungri, I love that you kept it you! You know exactly how your works perfectly with your face, and you don't fuss with it or change the color drastically, but keep it clean and polished. But I see what you did thar Seungri, putting a
yellow belt over your junk. I see it. I was scanning the picture innocently, trying to find what part of your outfit I like best and I was like *scan* *scan *scan* *yellow?* CROTCH *distracted*

Bite that lip bb!
G-Dragon with blond hair is almost as good to my ovaries as Taemin with blond hair. I know some people were saying that he should stick the blond as a signature for his solo works, but GD was so incredibly epic with his solo career, that I think it was the right choice to carry over this style. I love the shorter cut, it shows off the beautiful face, but throw the animal print in the toilet will ya? I'M SICK OF IT. First SHINee, then Beast, and now Big Bang? OH WAIT. I see it. You men are animals. Animals. I like it. And again with the crotch, this time with a hand and a pink belt down there? Unnnnnng! The biting lip! *sigh* Although your eyes look a little jacked up GD, I'll take it!

Where da secks?
Someone has to be the least improved TOP, and I feel like I'm always raining on your parade, but damb. The silver hair. I don't get it. It doesn't make you the silver fox. It just doesn't. AND WHERE IS THE EPIC TOP SECKS FACE WE ALL KNOW AND LOVE?! I honestly love that face. And the gold coat? No. I really like that TOP has his own identifiable awesome style, but the silver hair is making me think. You matching the curtains with the rug TOP?

Taeyang is flawless. End of story. I have never loved a faux hawk in my life as much as I love Taeyang's and I'm so incredibly happy he kept it. Could you imagine that hair in real life? Running your hands through the short buzzed part? Unf! And the jaw line? Yes yes yes quintessential Taeyang to the max. Like Seungri, Taeyang stayed with what works. And it works bb! IT WORKS. Particularly the pointing at the crotch part. The only thing I wish to see again are those flawless lickable abs. MV maybe? I could always watch the
I'll Be There mv, but I feel the need for some new angles mmkay bb?

Last but definitely not least, Daesung. Have I said I don't like Daesung? Well, I didn't. UNTIL FCKING NOW! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU DAE?! You were once this somewhat weird looking dude that I was like mehhh why do people like you?! BUT DAMB they did you good Dae. LOOK AT YOUR FACE WHAT IS THAT FACE. Your lips looks so FULL and delicious. AND THE HAIR THE DARK HAIR oh my gosh. I was
very used to the lighter hair, which was basically mirroring your sunny personality, but I LOVE this foil of the dark hair. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I find you...sexy now? No, I can't say that. You're Dae. But gah! SO GOOD the hair color. LIKE CHOCOLATE and all over your face like drizzled chocolate or something? I dunno. But I am clearly spazzing. They did you up Dae. I fcking love it. You have made ground my friend.
get on it. PEEKING EYE THROUGH HAIR oh my gosh. So come hither isn't it?
I feel like I'm cheating on Seungri right now.
Thanks Dae.