You MUST have seen it coming.
He was my first bias anyways.
Ok. Clearly there are more SHINee fanblogs on in my bookmarks because I had NO idea this was coming. I woke up in the morning two days ago, went on Youtube and
BAM, VI comes out with TWO music videos to rape my eyes with,
What Can I Do? and
Let's start off with
V.V.I.P, shall we? I'm gonna be frank, I still am warming up to it. I
ADORE the hook-ish sounding chorus. I love it. But the old school band sound isn't cutting it for me. But I
am warming up to it. Right this second I'm singing along with it. I enjoy the video mostly because of three parts:

Can't you be mine?
Rich people throw money. Seungri is such a beast, he throws credit cards. This 20 second, tea party scene is probably my favorite part of the video. He looks so perfect, from a cocky little smug smile, to his cute little innocent smile. The smile in the middle picture makes me feel like a pedophile, even though I'm younger than him. I don't know. He looks like he's naughty, but the white and the smile makes me want to take everything away from him. Why there has to be a bunch of girls with crazy hair in the table around him? I don't know. That doesn't make sense. All that makes sense is that...he's beautiful?

UNF move that azz bb!
VI. Please never ever ever stop dancing. You might feel like you want to after seeing how many of video's of Key shaking his hips I have favorited, but this is why you are my favorite dancer in Big Bang. He moves
so well in this song. The song feels really summer-y to me, and I really wish they had released it later in the year. With the dancing that has sort of a hip-py, happy and bold dance feel, I think that Seungri had a chance to demonstrate his strength, which is sticking to choreography. However, Seungri has SWAG in this song, which I didn't really buy when he attempted it in
Strong Baby. Or, maybe I just like the circles he makes with his hips. *swoons*

Seungri. I can legitimately say I love you. This is the sort of thing that made me absolutely ADORE you before I knew ANYTHING about K-pop. Impersonating your fellow Big Bang members? Genius! Now I know a night with you is like a night with
all of you, yes? I feel like it shows that he still has a sense of humor, even with all the success that he has. I can buy the swag he gives, because he's still acts human, not like some sex machine in
Strong Baby(which was NOT a bad thing). And that is infinitely endearing.
Next is
What Can I Do? Again, I did not feel this song, but now I could marry it and be happy forever. I don't even want to take screenshots of the song because I would have to screenshot every second of the video, it's the visual soul mate of the song. It highlights the type of performance that I feel is quintessential Seungri. The song is a perfect dance song to showcase his dance skills, but perfectly sad that there is an amazing amount of soul in his voice. Both the song and the music video are so pleasing to the senses, I just want to keep watching. I want to know why he's sad, I want to know what that chick did, and I want to know what I can do to help. This song makes me speechless.
Big Bang was falling of my radar a bit, but I'm so happy to go back into loving them, and especially Seungri. I feel that he has to prove that he belongs in the group, and for me, both of these videos showcase that Seungri is meant to perform. You can hear it in his voice, you can see it in his dance, he wants to be up there, and that's why he is. Thanks so much for this VI.
Farri ♥
PS Not to rain on the Victory parade, but I have to mention this.

Why is there a key? I'm sorry. I'm officially forever a Locket, and I know other people can use keys, but Seungri isn't Key! I don't get it. I'm sorry. Get rid of the stupid key and get some victory coins or something. I hate that I can't ignore this, but when I really started watching these videos, I yelled for like 20 minutes straight about it. What's worse is that I want one, but I wouldn't be able to decide who it was for, Key or Seungri?! See my confusion?!