Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm a Terrible Person: Key

Sex Face Fail

I'm not sure why I keep posting these, or why I think they are funny. But when you look through the sheer volume of K-pop pictures I do a day, you're bound to run into some stuff like this and well, I want it to be fair. I don't want it to seem like just because I don't like someone I'm gonna put them in these pictures. :D

But then again, it's Key for Pete's sake and even though he looks like he just smelled something nasty, I'm still oddly attracted to it.

Nah, looking at it again, I'm not. That's a load of crap.

But I do like the gangsta cap on Key. And the black around his waist? Why so pretty bb? Why? And arm? Yes arm. I like that arm. I want to nom that arm.

Jeeze SHINee spam much?

Farri ♥

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