I've been thinking about blogging about Taemin for a while now. Ok, since the
Hello music video came out. I have a little crush on him, like how an 11-year-old likes ponies. I even have a little novel about him written out, but now that I have seen this
Esquire spread with him and Minho, I have one thing to say.

I've got so much love!
Blonde hair
WORKS on Taemin.
He's looking good. Like for real. A perfect little rascal. I dig it. I really do.
Props to your colorist.
P.S. wtf...I just cropped Minho out of a picture. This is the end of the world.
P.S.S. Taemin, I still like legit hate you for being prettier than me.EDIT 10.23.10Not like this dollcakes. Blonde + Curly = Me going back to Key and Minho.
I absolutely agreeeeee, expecially in Juliette jap. version *-*