Hi there! I'm Farrah, or Farri (Fairy XD), and on behalf of Beast's third mini album release, I've decided that I'm going to start a K-Pop blog. I'm not Korean, nor do I understand any of it (except for maybe a few choice words ;) ) . I decided to start this blog not only get all the spazz out of me, but to relieve my friends in real life of my constant K-Pop chatter, which I'm sure they are getting sick of because they have no idea what I'm talking about (sad sad people).
I started listening to K-Pop on March 26, 2010. Yup. I remember the day. Actually Facebook does, but that's beyond the point. It was Big Bang's Lollipop Pt 2 that started it all. And since then, well, I blame my bad grades on this obsession :D
Most of this blog is going to be dedicated to my undying gratitude to the lyricists and producers of the K-Pop world, creating beautiful melodies tha t make my day everyday. Anyone could sing these songs and I would be undeniably attracted to them.
eff that.
I'm going to fangirling and obsessing over the beautiful, talented men that make K-Pop the ridiculously HOT genre of music it is. So yes, I LOVE my K-Pop man candy. You'll hear enough about my biases, so I won't even tell you them now ;0 why else woul d the blog be named Fangirl Fantasies?!
My main obsessions are Beast (my now-favorite group), Big Bang (my used-to-be my favorite group), and SHINee (my "experimental" group ;) ). I also listen to other groups, but I'll be talking A LOT about B2st, BB and SHINee. There are a bunch of things that I plan to blog about, and they could even be from back in the day, 'vintage' per se, but not really since I've only been listening to K-Pop for six months. Even though I love K-Pop, I also like giving my opinion. ;)
So without further ado, let the fantasies begin! <3
- Farri